Learn Forex Trading and How to Play Forex with Free account. Learn forex trading is now easier with the presence of an android-based platform, especially with the availability of free accounts that we can use to understand how to play forex profitable or profitable. Is an IQ Option, one of the best Brokers today, has developed an android based application that provides various latest trading features, such as Forex, Crypto, and Binary. Previously I have made a review of how to trade Binary Option using this application. Learn forex trading: Understand basic science. In Simple language, Forex trading means we make Forex trading (online currency) online (in the Forex market) through Broker, with a view to profit.

This profit is derived from the difference between the selling price and the purchase price, as well as in general buying and selling transactions. To simplify your understanding, please refer to the following simple illustrations. For example, the current US Dollar rate is USD / IDR = 13.150, meaning $ 1 = Rp13.150, and you decide to buy $ 1 by issuing capital of Rp13.150. Now you have $ 1 in your hands. Right? An hour later, it turns out the USD has strengthened with the exchange rate of USD / IDR = 13,280, and see this condition you then sell $ 1 to get Rp13.280. Consider, you buy $ 1 for Rp13.150, and now you sell it for Rp13.280, so there is a difference of Rp130 which becomes your advantage. Why really small fortunately, only Rp130? Yups, that's because you only transact in small quantities, ie $ 1.
Just imagine if you transact in the amount of $ 100,000, then your profit will be Rp13.000.000. What's more if the difference between the purchase price and the selling price is greater, then your profit or profit will also be greater. In Forex trading, the transaction is done in units of Lot, which is equivalent to 100,000 units. That is, to buy (Buy) EUR / USD as much as 1 Lot for example, you need 100.000 Euro.